I never was big into cars as a teenager, and now that I'm an old guy I'm still not. But I love
going to car shows and museums to photgraph vintage cars. People spend hundreds of man-hours
and thousands of dollars to restore old autos, turning them into works of art. What follows is
a collection of vintage auto photos that I've taken over the years. I've tried my best to correctly
identify each car, but like I said I'm not a big car person. If anybody spots a mistake send me
a comment and I will correct it.
Click here to view photos as a slideshow. May take a few seconds to run.
It's hard to pinpoint the exact birthdate of the automobile. There were
steam powered vehicles as early as the 18th century. There was a lot of tinkering
with fuel sources and engine designs for most of the 19th century. I would say
that Karl Benz finally got the ball rolling in 1885 by producing an auto that
ran on a 4-stroke gasoline-powered internal combustion engine. The Duryea brothers
built the first successful American gasoline powered auto in 1893 and won the first
American car race in 1895. It was off to the races after that (slight pun here).
Henry Ford started the process of rolling assembly of automobiles in this decade,
resulting in full assembly-line production in the next decade.
He was able to produce technologically advanced vehicles at an affordable
price. His first successful model was the Model N (1907-1908) followed by
the more advanced Model T.
Better cars, cheaper prices.
A decade of elegant autos. The Ford Model A hits the market in 1927.
Lots of advances in both technology and design.
The war put the kibosh on the auto industry, so you only see autos from
the early or late 40s.
This is the decade I began to realize that automobiles were the primary means
of transportation in the United States. I seem to recall Dodges or Plymouths
in the garage.
The decade of the muscle car and also my teens. My muscle cars were a 1954 Nash Rambler
and a 1960-something Renault.
I spent the latter part of this decade in a Plymouth station wagon.
Now I'm really happy driving my Ford F-150.
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