Hubbell Trading Post

John Lorenzo Hubbell was born in 1853 in the small New Mexican town of Pajarito. He traveled around the Southwest as a young adult, where he learned the customs and language of the Navajos. He began trading in 1876, and two year later he bought out William Leonard's business. The present day trading post was founded in 1883. The trading post was a success from the getgo, and Hubbell expanded it, adding corralls and a barn. Hubbell died on November 12, 1930. His two sons, Lorenzo Jr. and Roman, continued trading until their deaths in 1943 and 1957. Roman's wife, Dorothy, continued the business until 1967 when the National Park Service took it over. In addition to general mechandise. the trading post also carries a large inventory of Navajo jewelry and blankets. (Excerpted from a National Park Service brochure).
The Hubbell Trading Post is located on U.S. Highway 191 in Ganado, AZ.

Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site

Blacksmith Shop (left) Barn (Right)

Barn Interior

Trading Post

J.L. Hubbell Trading Post

Trading Post Interior

Trading Post Interior

Horned Owl Owlet in Nest (center)

Background information obtained from various National Park Service publications.
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