Arco, Idaho

I made a pit stop in Acro on my way to Craters of the Moon National Monument in July of 2020. I just had to walk around a bit and take some photos when I found out how Arco bills itself. The town was originally named Root Hog and has moved a couple of times over the years to its present location at the junction of US Hwy 93 and US Hwys 20/26 near the Big Lost River. Now here it is - Arco is the first town in the world to be lit by electricity generated exclusively from nuclear power, and they're mighty proud of it. The BORAX-III reactor at the National Reactor Testing Station provided the first electricity ever generated by nuclear power on July 17, 1955. The National Reactor Testing Station has since morphed into Idaho National Laboratory.

Grand Avenue

Butte County Sheriff

Masonic Temple 1916

Butte County Annex

Arco City Office

Arco's Claim to Fame

Background information obtained from Wikipedia.
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